Monday, June 8, 2015

Homeschool Curriculum Plans for 2015-2016

Welp, just about done with another year.  My motivation is stronger than ever...and I'm so glad. I'm still a little nervous...wondering if I'm doing things right, etc.  We all get those little twinges of "Yikes!" once in a while, right?  Eh, I'll chock it up as normal and push forward.

So, this fall will be, let's see, our 15th year (huh, I thought last year was, ah well) of homeschooling. Huh...doesn't seem that long.

Well, here's my plan, in case anyone is curious:

11th Grade Daughter - Age 16
  • Reading through the Bible in a year (schedule similar to the one in Our Daily Bread)
  • History - "All American History, Volume 1."  I'm also going to have her listen in on the rest of us reading, "The Mystery of History, Volume 2".
  • Math - Teaching Textbooks Geometry
  • Language Arts - Literary Lessons with Lord of The Rings
  • Science - Apologia's Exploring Creation with Marine Biology
  • Language - ASL (American Sign Language) (Haven't decided on a curriculum for that yet, but she has a passion for it, so...going to go for it)
  • Economics - she's NOT going to enjoy this, so I'm making it easy by having her read, "Whatever Happened to Penny Candy."  
  • Miscellaneous books I want her to read - "Lies Young Women Believe and The Truth That Sets Them Free" (she's actually about half-way through this already; "Do Hard Things" by Alex & Brett Harris, along with "Start Here, Doing Hard Things Right Where You are." 

8th Grade Son - Age 12 (born 9/15)
  • Reading through the Bible in a year (he was just going chapter by chapter from the beginning, but I am thinking of switching him to a part New/part Old Testament schedule like I do and I'm having my 11th grade daughter do -- it seems to be more interesting that way.)
  • History - "The Mystery of History 2"
  • Math - Teaching Textbooks Pre-Algebra (he's about half-way through that, so he'll just go right into Algebra 1 after that)
  • Spelling - "Apples" (this REALLY helped my daughter above to grasp spelling rules, etc.  
  • Language Arts - "Learning Language Arts Through Literature - Tan" (I don't worry what "level" they are according to what "grade" LLATL says their books are.  I just try to let them work at their pace...
  • Handwriting - "A Reason For Handwriting - Cursive D" (even if they decide not to use it as an adult, I INSIST they be able to read and write it.  He was NOT reading until this past year to learn it.  I wait until it's not hard/painstaking.  Who cares WHEN you learn it, right?
  • Reading - "The Hobbit," then we'll pick something new from there.  :)  Usually a book that goes along with our history.

5th Grade Son - Age 10
  • History - "The Mystery of History 2"
  • Bible - AWANA
  • Math - Teaching Textbooks 5
  • Language Arts - "Learning Language Arts Through Literature - Orange"
  • Handwriting - "A Reason For Handwriting - Cursive C"
  • Reading - Various books, mostly that go along with our history.

3rd Grade Son - Age 7 (born 9/23)
  • History - "The Mystery of History 2"
  • Bible - AWANA and reading "The Beginners Bible" (love that book!)
  • Math - Teaching Textbooks 3
  • Language Arts - "Learning Language Arts Through Literature - Red"
  • Handwriting - copywork from MOH
  • Reading - readers from LLATL unless he can't stand them, then we'll just pick classic, good stuff.

That's about it.  :)  I'm actually going through the TT Algebra 1, 2, and Geometry lessons myself.  I've had two kids get bogged down with Algebra, and I can't remember squat of it from high school, although I love math I figure I can help while having fun learning what I WISH I had appreciated/had fun with then.


  1. Sounds like you have a great plan, Tracey! I was excited when I saw your email in my inbox this morning! I look forward to reading your future posts about this school year, especially with combining MOH with AAH. God bless!

    1. Hi Jackie! Yeah, that AAH/MOH combo won't really begin until the 2016-17 year...but I'll be working on the planning of it (I told you I found a doc where someone had figured out which weeks of AAH go with MOH 3 & 4 (a couple for Vol. 2), right?

    2. Hi Tracey! I don't know how I missed this reply, sorry! Yes, I did read your previous post about the files you found on where to combine them. My children are in similar grades as yours: 6th, 9th, and 11th. I see that your 11th grade dd is doing AAH volume 1, with the rest of your family doing MOH volume 2. Will she be doing volume 2 of AAH for 12th grade, or MOH volume IV? I see that lots of high school curricula spread out American History over 2 years and rightfully so, since there is so much rich information to learn. I just don't want my girl to miss out on volume IV of MOH, Does it make it difficult to combine other things since you'll be doing 2 different time frames in history? I also see that you are using LLATL. How do you like it? I was considering it, but then backed off when I heard that it was a bit difficult to understand the flow of the schedule. I would love to hear your thoughts on that. ;-)

    3. I'll probably have her DO AAH2 and listen in on MOH III...and if she still lives at home, maybe she'll want to listen in on MOHIV. :p

      I won't be doing the AAH with her, she'll be on her own, just turning in stuff. Make sense?

      When we start combining AHH with MOH, I'll just go by the schedule, mostly, that someone else made. :)
